Our Story

Hi there! My name is Denise Depina. I'm a personal finance coach, a digital marketing specialist and a nurse, with a passion for empowering women to take control of their financial futures and create their own digital marketing businesses.

I believe that every woman deserves to feel confident in managing her finances and equipped to build a successful business. Whether you're looking to budget effectively, eliminate debt, save for the future, invest wisely, or start your own digital marketing venture, I'm here to provide personalized guidance and support.

I began my career as a registered nurse and quickly realized that women are among the most vulnerable when it comes to both health and financial stability. As a high-risk OB nurse, I see firsthand the health disparities women face, and one common factor that often arrived is lack of financial stability. My quest to help women become financially healthy sparked then.

 That's when I created Kriolas Elites, a store with tools and resources to help women organize their finances. In my quest to reach women globally, I discovered the power of digital marketing. This discovery changed my life forever. Now, I can connect and support women all around the world, in multiple languages. It's truly life-changing.

Join me as we break down financial barriers and build a thriving community of financially empowered and entrepreneurial women. Together, we can achieve financial freedom and entrepreneurial success.

Yours truly,


Financial and digital marketing Coach